Comfortable, invisible and removable Invisalign system transforms your smile. How? Straightens your teeth with a set of nearly invisible, removable braces, which are made specifically for your teeth. Every two weeks putting on the new braces and your teeth will little by little, month after month to move towards the desired position. The fact is, moreover, alreadyconvinced more than 3 million people worldwide.
Why Invisalign?
You stand before deciding whether fixed braces or Invisalign? The difference is clear! Invisalign system is different than the traditional methods of redress teeth. Prerequisite for the success of orthodontic treatment with removable braces Invisalign, however, it is perfect patient cooperation. Invisalign invisible braces can be up to 2 hours a day to take off, hence do not restrict food, and you can evenperform dental hygiene as you used to. Invisalign braces but can not cure all kinds of defects (especially those hard) and thus their use is necessary to consult a doctor at the clinic.