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COS congress 2022 in Ostrava was started on Wednesday 5 October 2022 with the RUN FOR FUN race. Your doctor Hanka Hálová won the running race in the women's category! Congratulations !
WE ARE OPEN during COVID 19 Lockdown from 22.10.2020
Dear clients,
We hereby ask our pacients to cooperate during the pandemic:
1. WEAR FACEMASK at the entrance to the building
2. DISINFINE HANDS using the non-contact disinfection dispenser on arrival on the left side of the waiting room.
3. Don't come to the appoinment by GROUP, but only one person at a time. In case of child under 18YO, we ask for the participation of a maximum of one legal representative.
All members of our team are equipped with the prescribed protective equipment (KN95 respirators, disposable gloves, shields in case of specific performances).
After each patient, we disinfect surgeries and their equipment, chairs in the waiting room, we do not forget about payment terminals, computers, tablets, handles, handles and in frequent frequencies the waiting room and toilet. Spray disinfection and paper towels are also available on the toilet.
The distribution of seats in the waiting room provides sufficient spacing.
The operation of orthodontics is separated from the operation of dental hygiene.
Patients come to us only by prior arrangement.
Patients are measured contactless body temperature on arrival.
Thank you very much for maintaining my favor with the Perfect Smile Orthodontic Clinic, despite the difficult period, and we apologize for the temporary measures to reduce comfort.
MUDr. Jana Fendrychová and the team.
Christmas 2018
Dear clients,
from 21.12. 2018 3pm to 28.12.2018 our clinic is closed.
Full operation will start again on 2.1.2019
If warranted "first aid", please visit the dentist emergency.
Thank you for your understanding.
Your team Perfect Smile.
New addition to our team
Welcome the new addition to the team Perfect Smile®, which started at the position of orthodontic assistant.
Are you ready for a new smile with Invisalign?
A revolutionary method of straightening teeth using a transparent and nearly invisible plastic sheeting Invisalign now also in our Perfect Smile.